2nd Thirty Days – Day Nine

Josh Bickel in the photo lab
Josh Bickel | Nikon D50 and 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens @ 48mm; exposed 1/13 sec. @ f/5.6, ISO 1600.

Yesterday, while working for my assistantship, I was trying to illustrate a point to a student in one of the more basic photography classes that is actually taught by a fellow graduate student, Phoebe Sexton, that while I could not equip him with the camera and lens that he wanted because of a lack of availability, even an old Nikon D50 and a basic 18-55mm lens can yield good images.  It’s the experienced hand, not the equipment.  Sure, the gear helps, but still.  Now, if only I had checked the settings he was using before Josh Bickel assisted me in making my point, I would have told it not to add two thirds of a stop too much light…

I’ve also included a couple more images from last night, of my hosts for the evening, Val and Jamie, and some of my closer friends:

2nd Thirty Days – Day Seven

2nd 30 Days - Day 7 - I guess I won't be going this way!
I guess I won't be going this way! | Panasonic Lumix G1 and 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 lens @ 26mm; exposed 1/50 sec. @ f/5, ISO 400.

I walked out of my apartment Thursday morning to head down the hall to get my car and go in to school when I discovered that the reason I thought I heard footsteps on the ceiling above me is because there were, indeed, people walking about the roof…and the folding ladder was (in)conveniently between myself and my destination.  I took the back way, but not before making this picture…my only one on Thursday.

2nd Thirty Days – Day Five

Today I have to return to Canon the 50mm f/1.2L lens that I’ve been enjoying so much.  It is remarkable just how superior this lens is to the 50mm f/1.4 that I have been using for a few years now.  Is it sharp?  Of course, the 50 f/1.4 is no slouch, either.  However, the contrast and the bokeh of the 50 f/1.2L are simply amazing.  Am I buying one?  Not right now, but it’s definitely on my “wish list” for the next couple of years!  Highly recommended.

Why is Chris Dunn sad?
Why is Chris Dunn sad? | Canon 5D Mk. II and 50mm f/1.2L lens; exposed 1/100 sec. @ f/2, ISO 160
Ah...her Sweetarts were stuck in the vending machine!
Ah...her Sweetarts were stuck in the vending machine! | Canon 5D Mk. II and 50mm f/1.2L lens; exposed 1/125 sec. @ f/2, ISO 160

Mito seems to have the same expression, though...
Mito seems to have the same expression, though... | Canon 5D Mk. II and 50mm f/1.2L lens; exposed 1/160 sec. @ f/1.2, ISO 160

2nd Thirty Days – Day Two

30 Days - Day 2 - Meg Burcke
Meg Burcke | Canon 7D and 50mm f/1.2L lens; exposed 1/640 sec. @ f/1.2, ISO 400

Given that my friend Lillian Kelly posted an image of me making an impromptu portrait of Meg Burcke after the three of us got out of class on Friday afternoon, I felt compelled to post one of the results.

More after the jump!

Continue reading “2nd Thirty Days – Day Two”

A New Thirty Days? Day One…

30 Days - Day 1 - Chris Dunn
Chris Dunn gives me a “thumbs-up” with a chocolate croissant…she’s not sure about this “Second thirty days,” either, but were doing to do it! | Canon 7D and 50mm f/1.2L; exposed 1/1250 sec. @ f/1.2, ISO 800.

It was with much fanfare–and relief–that I parted ways with what I thought was a successful project for my Picture Story class at the University of Missouri: posting on my blog a new photograph every day for 30 days.  Well, not so fast.

The majority of the class wanted a second crack at the project; some had made some excellent images and wanted the pressure to stay on, others found it to be no pressure at all, and others still just fell off the wagon early on, and wanted to see if they could work up the resolve to post daily.

Here we go again…

Thirty Days – Day Thirty

30 Days - Day 30 - Sunset over Seventh Street
Sunset over Seventh Street | Canon 5D Mk. II and 50mm f/1.2L lens; exposed 1/640 sec. @ f/1.2, ISO 200.

Today is the last of the photo-a-day images, and I would say that it’s been an interesting, challenging, and productive month.  There’s a relief that the pressure is off, but there’s also a sadness that the same pressure is absent.

However, the next time I would do a project like this, I would prefer to make it one more akin to Jim Brandenberg’s Chased by the Light, where he made only one image per day over the course of ninety days. It would be more time-intensive, and require much more dedication and thought–and I would need a theme or a subject to focus on for a larger project like that.

Unfortunately, given the nature of my world at the moment, there just isn’t time for something like that. But some day, hopefully sooner than later.